Warning: mysqli::__construct(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:30311 Library:30402 in /home/wfsuygwn/public_html/shop/system/library/db/mysqli.php on line 7 Kate Marr

Kate Marr



Painted this after going for a walk and seeing footprints left in the sand...


Golden Sunset

Golden Sunset



Hatchet Pond 1

Hatchet Pond 1



Hatchet Pond 2

Hatchet Pond 2



Hengistbury Head Beach
Pathway in the New Forest 1

Pathway in the New Forest 1

I sketched and took photos along the Rhinefield Ornamental Drive in springtime. I enjoyed capturing ..


Pathway in the New Forest 2

Pathway in the New Forest 2

I sketched and took photos along the Rhinefield Ornamental Drive in springtime. I enjoyed capturing ..


Pathway in the New Forest 3

Pathway in the New Forest 3

I sketched and took photos along the Rhinefield Ornamental Drive in springtime. I enjoyed capturing ..


People at the beach

People at the beach

I painted this after visiting the beach on a beautiful summers day...


Playing in the water

Playing in the water



Relaxing at the beach

Relaxing at the beach



River Walk 1

River Walk 1



Silver birch

Silver birch



Speed boat at the beach

Speed boat at the beach

There was a speed boat I saw when on a walk by Hengistbury Head.  I wanted to capture the energ..


Spring in the New Forest

Spring in the New Forest

I painted this from a photo I took of a walk in the forest.  I love the bright yellows and gree..


Showing 16 to 30 of 73 (5 Pages)